Chubby Little Stocking Pattern

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No time?  No problem!  If you’ve got a few hours to spare, you can knit this cute  holiday keepsake that’s just a little smaller than the traditional size.  A chunky-weight Noro yarn does all the work by striping on its own and the bright colors are a funky take on a heirloom knit.  This would be a great gift for knitters, too–stuff a Wool & Honey gift certificate inside if you’re feeling extra jolly!

Yarn: Noro Iro, (110 yds/100g), chunky weight, 1 skein.

3.5 sts per inch on US 10.5 needle


Cast on 32 sts.  Join to begin knitting in the round, being careful not to twist sts.  Work 6 rows in st st (knitting every row).

Eyelet Row: *K2, yo, K2tog; repeat across row.

Continue working in st st until piece measures 6 inches from eyelet row.

Heel Flap

Setup Row:
Knit 8 sts, turn and p across 16 sts.  Redistribute your sts so that there are 16 each on two needles.  (The 16 sts you just purled are the heel sts, the other 16 are the instep sts–you’ll come back to these later.)

Row 1: *sl 1, K1; repeat from * across row.
Row 2: *sl 1, p across row.

Repeat these 2 rows 7 more times.  (There will be a total of 16 heel flap rows.)

Heel Turn

Next row: K10, ssk, K1, turn.
Next row: sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn.
Next row: sl 1, k6, ssk, k1, turn.
Next row: sl 1, p7, p2tog, p1, turn.
Next row: sl 1, k8, k2tog, k1, turn.
Next row: sl 1, p8, p2tog, p1, turn.  (10 sts)


With needle 1, knit across the 10 heel flap sts, pick up and knit 8 sts along the side of the heel flap.
With needle 2, knit across held instep sts.
With needle 3, pick up and knit 8 sts along the other side of the heel flap and half the heel sts.

Your beginning and end of round is now at the center back of the heel.

Row 1:
Needle 1: K to the last 3 sts, k2tog, k1;  Needle 2: Knit all sts;  Needle 3: K1, ssk, k across remaining sts.
Row 2:
Knit all sts.
Repeat these 2 rows until 32 sts remain.  (Needle 1: 8 sts; Needle 2: 16 sts; Needle 3: 8 sts.)

Continue in st st until piece measures 6 inches from the back of the heel.


Row 1:

Needle 1: K to the last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; Needle 2: K1, ssk, knit to the last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; Needle 3: K1, ssk, k across remaining sts.

Row 2:
Knit all sts.

Repeat these 2 rows until 16 sts remain.  (Needle 1: 4 sts; Needle 2: 8 sts; Needle 3: 4 sts)

Repeat Row 1 until 8 sts remain. (Needle 1: 2 sts; Needle 2: 4 sts; Needle 3: 2 sts).

Knit sts from Needle 1 onto Needle 3.  Using the kitchener stitch, graft toe sts together.  Weave in ends and lightly block.

I-Cord Loop

Cast on 3 sts.  Work in I-Cord until piece measures 15″.  Bind off.  Weave the I-Cord through the eyelet row and sew the two ends of the I-Cord together to create a continuous loop for hanging.  Enjoy!


BO: bind off
CO: cast on
K: knit
K2tog: knit two stitches together
P: purl
psso: pass the slipped stitch over
sl: slip
st st: stockinette stitch
sts: stitches
YO: yarnover



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