Merino with a capital M. Round and smooth, this yarn rebounds against your hand with a satisfying spring. Ranch 03 Campbell-Hansmire comes in a modern palette of vibrant colorways, showcasing the glowing hues that only Merino can provide.
This limited edition yarn is both brand new and exceedingly special: from a small flock from one ranch in Eagle County, Colorado, this collection offers a soul-filling burst of inspiration for winter-weary eyes. A smooth-spun sport weight, Ranch 03 is light and soft, warm and lithe, sturdy and bursting with life‑‑synonymous with Spring.

For 30 years, rancher Julie Hansmire has been lovingly tending and thoughtfully breeding her Merino flock, honing the sheep’s high quality fleece into a supple wool with unparalleled softness. Dedicating herself to the hard-bitten life of open range ranching, her commitment to the Merino breed shines through her joyful demeanor and earnest candor.
Moving with the seasons, the flock is grazed across open grasslands by Julie’s close-knit team of Peruvian shepherds. This environmentally-sustainable ranching method cuts down on flammable brush and controls the spread of noxious weeds. The Campbell-Hansmire Merino sheep are ethically sheared and compassionately raised, producing a soft, downy wool that mirrors the tenderness of their care.

Not sure what to knit with Ranch 03? Liz knit the child’s size of the Hansmire Hat with two skeins of Rosegold Ranch 03 for Cecily. Two or three skeins will make the Dalleray Cowl, and, if you’re feeling like sinking your teeth into a bigger project, go for some gorgeous colorwork–the Spero Sweater.
We invite you to meet Julie Hansmire, and listen to her describe her life’s work‑‑raising responsible, sustainable, beautiful Merino sheep‑‑by watching this video HERE.

The Shop Small pin by Michigan artist Kristin Drozdowski.
Weighted lavender eye pillow (background) by Heidi Cronce of Handmade by Hilda.