photo courtesy of Shannon Scott Photography

After three and a half months of offering only curbside pickup, we feel the time is right to re-open our bright yellow door. We’re taking every precaution to keep you safe, while keeping ourselves, our families and everyone else we come in contact with safe, too. We’ll open this Monday, June 29th and cannot wait to see you.

Summer Hours + Virtual Shopping Hours
Monday-Friday: 10 am to 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 4 pm
Sunday: 11 am to 4 pm
(walk-in traffic)

Monday: 11 am to 4 pm
Wednesday: 11 am to 4 pm
Thursday: 11 am to 4 pm
(virtual shopping by appointment)

A few things you should know…

-We’ll have a hand-sanitizing station outside the door to use before entering, as well as several bottles of sanitizer throughout the shop to apply and reapply throughout your visit.

-Masks will be required to cross the threshold. Forget yours? We’ll have one for you to wear while you’re here, handmade by our dearest friend Martha.

-We will be limiting the number of customers in the shop to three (3) at any given time. This will give you the space you need to maintain safe social distancing, as well as give plenty of space to staff. If you’ve arrived at the door and the shop is full, we’ll put you on a waiting list and ask you to either wait in your car or stretch your legs in downtown Cedar. Don’t forget to bring your current project to knit while you’re waiting!

-And of course, if there’s any concern that you or anyone in your inner circle has been exposed to Covid-19, you’re feeling the slightest bit under the weather or there’s even a question, please. Please, please. Stay home. Get better. And come visit when it’s safe. We’ll absolutely be here.

We also do need to add that while Michigan’s numbers are looking good, there is always a chance of a second spike, especially in this tourist-driven area of the state. We trust Governor Whitmer to make the right choices for the safety of all; if she chooses to tighten restrictions, we will, too‑‑and we reserve the right to make that determination at a moment’s notice.

Next week, we’ll be implementing a virtual personal shopping experience via video conference. We are SO excited to offer this to all of our customers‑‑you’ll have the chance to schedule a one-on-one half-hour consultation with us, and we’ll help you plan the project of your dreams. 

This summer is turning out to be something entirely different than we were planning on back in January. Thank you for your patience, your unwavering support and loving us in spite of it all. We’ve been missing you, dear friends.