Spring is taking root in Northern Michigan. And before we barrel into full-on Summer, the Universe taps on our shoulder: not quite yet. We’re in Mercury Retrograde season, which is this wobbly, in-between span of time in which so many things (basic communication, daily routines, relationship nuance) feel harder, like we’re moving backward. Everything just seems…off. Because, well, cosmically, it is. For us, we notice that every time Mercury turns retrograde (it’ll be four times total in 2022), we’re not entirely catapulted off center, but instead have an almost physical longing to return to unfinished projects. Yes, absolutely, in relation to knitting, but also in terms of organization, sleep patterns and soul searching. It makes us want to put our house in order.
And. At the same time, Spring’s familiar, cyclical pull. Aching to see signs of life after a long season hiding beneath a white blanket. Trimming away the tattered, winter-worn bits and breathing a billowy breath into our current surroundings. We want that delicious, Edison bulb yellow to spark something inside. Sometimes it requires a new tool. A pair—or a set!—of shiny, new needles. A well-placed lapel pin on last year’s spring coat. A tiny scrap of beautiful fabric stitched to the cuffs of a moth-bitten sweater. Mending the parts that have worn thin and strengthening the bits we are proud to build on. Old, but new again.
Rather than push against the frenzy, we are chosing instead to use this time of pause to revisit and set intentions for Practice. More daily knitting‑‑to soothe, to comfort, to restore, to energize, to align. More scheduled contemplation‑‑deep breathing, long walks, five minutes of utter quiet. More herbal tea, more sun, more rest, more greens‑‑in our bodies and in our line of vision. Here’s to more of the things that restore your soul, despite the maelstrom swirling around you. You deserve good things, dears‑‑sending you our love.
Okay, okay, so perhaps all this is a bit woo for you, but maybe just don’t make any really big decisions for the next few weeks? Promise us you’ll at least try to re-commit to taking care of yourself during this time: don’t forget your vitamins, get a little extra sleep..and whatever you do, do NOT text that ex!