We’d like to share some of our plans for Thanksgiving weekend, which also include those of you who can’t join us in person. As we’ve done in the past, our bricks-and-mortar storefront will be closed to walk-through traffic on Plaid Friday‑‑and extending our annual sale to a full 24 hours so you can pop in online when it’s convenient for you. Come stitch with us all day on Small Business Saturday and we’ll get cozy together – in person or virtually. Look out for a big reveal in your inbox on Cyber Monday and something extra special for Giving Tuesday!

Friday, November 24th
Plaid Friday
20% ALL DAY online only
***CLOSED to walk-in traffic***
Open for Light Up Cedar Event 4-8 pm
Saturday, November 25th
Small Business Saturday
Come get cozy with us for an all day Open Stitch
9 am to 4 pm
in-store and online
a FREE gift with all orders,
a surprise and more!
Sunday, November 26th
11 am to 4 pm
Monday, November 27th
Cyber Monday
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, November 28th
Giving Tuesday
Exciting new twist this year!