Friends, I will be inserting eye candy soaked in sunlight to offset my words.
Drink up in the warm love we have for you.

This is a tough season. I find myself revisiting past Novembers, from my previous career to Cecily’s illness, life-changing events, and elections. Muscle memory with its internal clock is hitting especially hard these days. Just trying to navigate the present while waves of the past hit. Do you feel this too? Is Fall specifically a time for grieving universally or does grief have it’s own personalized section on everyone’s calendar?

Recently, an opportunity presented itself at a time I couldn’t see doing one more thing. But wow, did it spark joy! I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I felt joy. Honestly it was uncomfortable and so alarming to my system that I was questioning a mental break. I’m new to forty so is it about time for one? But this new joy meant something important.

Over the past few years, my fervor for mental wellness has expanded beyond just being conscious of our own, but to include those responding to trauma and our children’s mental wellbeing. This picture cleared, defining ‘Bee Well’ as an extension of Wool & Honey’s passion for social-emotional support to local children and families. A place for creativity and imagination through play and making, deepening family bonds and strengthening mental wellness. I have been working with a magical unicorn named Tracy. The stars aligned and Tearwater T (@tearwater_t) is the perfect coordinator to bring this project to life. This is her area of expertise, her life passion and kiddos adore her. And for those of you who don’t know Tracy yet, just being next to her will make you feel lighter.

This week with the election was hard for myself and many I have spoken with (and it comes with a big realization that there is a majority of folks in which this was a good week.) I have been hit with personal and political unrest. Yet, in the past day, the fog is lifting. Bee Well’s vision holds even more value to me now.
A place where children can be open to explore in spaces that are safe for all ages, colors, languages, genders and parenting styles. An inviting place where little bodies can feel at ease and let play express their feelings. It’s a place that adults can feel seen and find the mental and physical rest needed to carry on. A place where magic can happen or be taken home to bloom there.
How our children see themselves and others will change our world. This statement is no truer now than it was at the dawn of time, but it feels heavier this week.
Things we can always do though, Bee Playful, Bee Curious, Bee Creative.
Bee Well Friends,
Liz and the Bees

Imagine a place where kids find magic they can bring home to create. To build, to draw, to read, to image, to Bee Curious. A place that is 100% for them to Bee Playful while offering activities to Bee Creative along with their grown-ups. A space for adults to be comfortable while kids are deeply immersed in imaginative play, making art, exploring books or playing games. Spaces to connect quietly with kiddos and a place to make friends. A place for play groups, unique gifts and creativity from wall to wall.
It’s here. In Leelanau. Right in the sweet little town of Cedar.
Three (3) ways to Bee Involved.