In a future life
I want to be
a maker of color –
Inks, paints
dyes for fabric.
I’ll spend my day
like a Goddess
conjuring chroma
Driving the nothing
back to shadow and light
while every imaginable hue
dances on human made objects
blending their existence
into the natural world
‘Chroma’ by Mimi DiFrancesca
Almost eleven years ago, we launched our Sleeping Bear Yarn Club and there is simply no way we ever could have conceived what it is today. The dyers we’ve met, the colors they’ve created, the relationships that have grown‑‑the impact of this club in our lives‑‑personally and professionally‑‑is beyond our wildest dreams. (And just wait until we tell you about Year Eleven! Next month.)

Because our club continues to add new members every month, there are many, many customers who’ve only just joined us‑‑and have missed out on some of the previous months. And almost everyone has said that they’d love to get their hands on at least one more skein of one colorway or another.
So. We’re opening up the opportunity for everyone who has been hoping to get another go at one‑‑or more!‑‑of our exclusive yarns. We reached out to the brilliant dyers who’ve produced colorways for our Sleeping Bear Yarn Club and asked them to dye a limited edition run for the spectacular colors from the first ten years: The Colors of Leelanau.
This year we are bringing The Colors of Leelanau to you in a new way – a curated collection. Every year our list of dyers grows and grows and the options are simply overwhelming. Let’s make it more manageable for choosing what sweaters to make and socks to gift. We want to feature our dyers in a more concentrated light. Each coming year will be a mystery to see what colors come back from the recent and not so recent past. We have to say, it is mighty hard to narrow down these amazing colors. We keep telling ourselves, there is always next year.

Club memberships are available for 3, 6 and 12 months, with the ability to pay monthly, quarterly or in full.
A current membership of any kind will grant you access to the Colors of Leelanau.
Not a current member? Sign up HERE.
Already a member? Click HERE to order the Colors of Leelanau.
We’ll be taking pre-orders for the Colors of Leelanau for a VERY limited time‑‑through March 31st only.
Orders will ship with the May 2024 packages.